Thursday, June 14, 2007

In regards...

In regards to the poetry that I've written, I've created a new blog just for poetry and for all you poets out there. The link is on the right side of the blog page under my favorite links. It's titled "Poet's Corner"

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Sorry guys. I know I haven't updated for a while...and it's because I have so many different accounts that it's hard to keep track of nearly every one of them.

So...I'll try and update whenever I can.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

One of my new poems


Its branches sway gently in the breeze

The petals falling gracefully on the ground

Slowly winter comes to an end

A sign that spring is around the corner

Have you ever seen something so profound?

Beautiful during the day

Even more during the night

Such elegance, such beauty

What power it has to leave one speechless

Have you ever seen a more wonderful sight?

Sometimes has a meaning for romance

As I watch a petal fall slowly to my palm

The scenery just leaves you in surprise and awe

Just looking at them

It makes me feel somewhat calm.

As the sun sets and I take my leave

I take one last look at the cherry blossoms, and feel at ease

Being able to see them

This memory I will not forget

As the cool air brushes upon me from the night’s breeze.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

One of my "rhetorical" poems

Middle East:

A country that has many conflicts

Its inhabitants have different ideals.

Muslims & Jews, two different religions

Their ideals in disarray

They have different views on issues

Which constantly clash at each other

Americans try to lend a hand

Yet there are terrorists that hate their ideals

What is with the wars raging there?

Why do they hate Americans so?

Why do they refuse to let Americans help out?

What makes their government get out of hand?

What causes them to turn on each other?

What gives them so much anger & hatred?

Why are we fighting a war that has no meaning?

Is that what it seems to be in the Middle East?

Hello from Aekari.

I don't know how often I'll post here, or if I'll post at all, but I'd like to say hello to whomever might be browsing here, I am Contributor Aekari Myriaris.

To aotatsu-san, in order to manage your posts, make sure to put the label on your posts according to whatever category you wish to place it. The categories, as you wished, are Poetry, Fanfiction, Anime Analysis and Review, and Miscellaneous. Please be sure to type in the label as described here (case sensitive).

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Another One of My Poetic Works

This is a hero poem that I wrote for an English class. I decided to choose my grandmother for this poem because she has watched over me & cared for me when I was little. She is also my inspiration.

My Inspiration, My Hero:

They say heroes come in all shapes & sizes

And is an inspiration to others.

They do deeds big or small,

The main point is to make a difference in the world,

But usually they make a difference in someone’s life.

I remembered the time my grandmother used to sometimes visit me

I was very small back then, however sick throughout my time

She spoiled me sometimes, but also supported me through my rough times.

She taught me & told me the importance of prayer,

And I try my best to understand that importance.

As time passed, I would sometimes wonder how she is doing

And I remembered the first time I visited my hometown

Being able to see my people, and I got a totally new perspective

I heard from my mom on how my grandmother was so generous

How she used her time to help the poorest of the poor.

Now…as I reflect on her story, I remembered the time she struggled

How she fought through her tough battles, from her work and faith in God

Yet she never showed any fear of dying, as she lay in her hospital bed.

As I think back, her story gave me courage and inspired me to help others.

That is why she is my inspiration, and why she is also my hero.

Update 1 on anime being watched

I'm currently on ep. 19 of La Corda D'Oro and so far it's getting really good. My current favorite piece from that series is Pachelbel's Canon in D Major.

Current mood: bored.

Currently listening to: CRESCENDO (ending to La Corda D'Oro) by Stella Quintet.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ode #1

To those that don't know what an ode's a type of poem that explains something that you honor. just one of my odes.

Ode to a Teacher:

Teachers prepare us for what lies ahead

Helping us every step of the way.

Each has a different personality

As well as different methods of teaching.

Teachers try to help us learn from our mistakes

They care for their students.

They always offer assistance

To help us succeed in what we do.

Teachers show concern for those with problems

Letting students know they care

Teachers encourage us to learn something new

So that we may continue to grow

And they love what they teach

But teachers can only show us the door

We have to open it and walk through.

And even though there are times we tend to drive teachers nuts

We should still appreciate the time they put to help us learn.

Because without them…we’d be lost.

Current mood: tired

Current Anime Watched

Current anime being watched: La Corda D'Oro

Current episode on: Episode 14

Current mood: somewhat tired